Friday 9 February 2007

Classroom Curricular Target Displays

This target display from Y2 at Tang Hall Primary provides a constant reminder for the class.
The school's curricular targets are differentiated for each yeargroup so that all children are working to achieve appropriate, age-related expectations.

Targets are clearly displayed in each classroom, so that children are aware of what they are working towards.

Background Information

Traditionally, classroom displays have mostly been used to celebrate children's completed work - pictures and writing mounted and displayed for others to look at and admire. Although classrooms can look welcoming and vibrant with this type of display, teachers recognised that the length of children's interest in these displays rarely matches the time and effort put into mounting the work.

As part of the Intensifying Support Programme (ISP) in four primary schools in York, we have been exploring the potential and impact of using the learning environment in a different way - explicitly to support teaching and learning

Displaying curricular targets

Curricular targets focusing on the 'big bits' of learning in reading, writing and mathematics - the parts that are generally hard to teach or hard to learn - are set each half term.
Westfield Community Primary School's half-termly curricular targets are clearly displayed at the entrance to the school, so that parents and all visitors are aware of the main current focus of work in reading, writing and mathematics in all classes.